Complete all SCM application forms
Application forms request information such as: name(s), date of birth, primary language, Saskatchewan employer, professional affiliations, midwifery education, completed assessment process, membership and licensure in other Canadian jurisdictions, midwifery/clinical experience, liability insurance, registration examination, mandatory certifications and good character questions.
- Personal contact information is used by the SCM for direct contact with members and is not released to third parties without consent. The SCM maintains a register of members that is accessible to the public upon request and includes the name, address, registration number, and category of each member.
- Certified true copies of the applicant’s birth certificate, marriage certificate (if applicable) or other legal name change documentation must be included with the application. SCM Certified True Copy Policy
- Questions on the application form in the Professional Proceedings section relate to all previous experiences and/or incidents, including those in another profession and those that occurred outside of Saskatchewan or outside of Canada. All questions must be answered “yes” or “no”. For every “yes” answer, the applicant must provide a detailed explanation on an additional sheet of paper and attach it to the application.
Pay $300 application fee (Full Practising and Restricted Categories)
An application fee of $300, a one-time non-refundable fee, must be submitted with the Application for Initial Membership and Licensure application form.
Meet English language requirements
Applicants must meet English language requirements – if English is not the applicant’s primary language, English language requirements must be met by successfully completing an English language examination. Applicants must successfully complete an English language examination such as:
- TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) & TSE (Test of Spoken English) – TOEFL does not include a spoken component, therefore successful completion of TSE is required.
- MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery)
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
- An English language examination equivalent to one of the above.
- English language testing conducted by SCM approved assessment processes or SCM recognized midwifery education programs.
Recognized midwifery education program
Applicant must arrange for a copy of the final transcript to be sent from the midwifery education program, directly to the SCM. The designation “Degree Confirmed” must be stated on the transcript. Non-English documents must be translated into English and notarized for authenticity by a notary public.
Current status as a licensed midwife in another Canadian province or territory
Applicant must arrange for a Letter of Standing and Professional Conduct to be sent from the midwifery regulator in the jurisdiction where they are currently licensed as a midwife.
Approved assessment process
Applicant must arrange for copies of relevant evaluations and documentation indicating successful completion of the assessment process to be sent directly from the assessment processing agency to the SCM.
Pass the Canadian Midwifery Registration Examination (CMRE) (Full Practising Category)
Applicants must pass the Canadian Midwifery Registration Examination (CMRE).
Meet minimum clinical practice experience requirements (Full Practising Category)
Applicants must provide information about midwifery/clinical experience that indicates the applicant meets the minimum clinical practice experience requirements:
- Attendance at a minimum of 60 births, at least 30 of them as primary midwife*
- Has conducted at least 75 prenatal examinations
- Has conducted at least 50 postnatal examinations
- Has provided continuity of care** to at least 10 individuals
- Has conducted at least 50 examinations of infants
*A primary midwife is a midwife who assumes primary responsibility for providing all aspects of midwifery care including prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care and care of the newborn.
**Continuity of care is defined as “care that is coordinated by a midwife, when one midwife, or a team of midwives (no more than 5 midwives) that may include student(s) of midwifery, has seen a client throughout pregnancy, labour and birth and the postpartum period.
Continuity of Care Policy
Hold current certification in neonatal and cardiopulmonary resuscitation and proof of current obstetrical emergency skills
Applicants must hold current certification in neonatal resuscitation (NRP – completed within the previous 12 months) and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR – completed within the previous 12 months) and current obstetrical emergency skills.
NRP Policy
CRP Policy
Obstetrical Emergency Skills Policy
Provide evidence of successful completion of an approved course in Controlled Drugs and Substances
In accordance with bylaw 21 of The Midwifery Regulatory Bylaws, 2023, all applicants must complete a training course approved by the council in order to prescribe, administer and/or possess controlled drugs or substances for the purposes of practising midwifery and as authorized by the New Classes of Practitioners Regulations, being SOR 2012-230, enacted pursuant to the authority of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada).
Controlled Drugs and Substances Training Course Requirement
Provide evidence of professional liability insurance coverage
All applicants must provide evidence of professional liability insurance coverage. This coverage is typically provided by the Saskatchewan employer.
Evidence of Liability Insurance Policy
Provide three references
Applicants must provide three (3) references – reference forms included in the application package. Follow the instructions on the Reference Form. Completed reference forms must be sent direct from referee to SCM.
Additional requirements include:
Criminal Record Check – completed within the past 12 months and conducted by the law enforcement agency in the location where the applicant resides and/or is employed.
Two (2) Passport Photos
Authorization Section of the Application Form is Signed and Witnessed – the witness must be a Commissioner for Oaths, Justice of the Peace or Notary Public. The witness is attesting to the fact that they witnessed the applicant signing the form; therefore, they must sign at the same time as the applicant.
Licence Fees
One of the last steps to completing the membership and licensure process is submission of the licence fee. These fees are subject to change and if licensure occurs after January 1st, or, if the licensure is required for a specified period of time during the licence year, fees may be pro-rated depending upon the applicants’ circumstances.
SCM licence year is January 1 – December 31.
NOTE: The length of time for the application process to be finalized may vary from applicant to applicant depending on a number of factors, such as successful completion of a recognized midwifery education program or an approved assessment process, timely receipt of application documentation, and employment status.
The SCM ensures compliance with all relevant provincial legislation on labour mobility and fair registration practices.