Renewal of a full practising licence is available to a full practising member who, during the preceding three years:
- has clinical experience consisting of attendance at a minimum of 25 births as a midwife, at least five of which took place in a hospital and at least five of which took place outside of a hospital;
- has provided continuity of care to at least 15 individuals
- has conducted at least 25 physical examinations of infants; and
- completes the continuing competence requirements in accordance with section 17 of The Midwifery Regulatory Bylaws, 2023
- During the preceding three years, at least half of which hours are directly related to the performance of authorized practices:
- in the case of a member who was initially registered in the immediately previous year, 0 hours;
- in the case of a member who was initially registered two years previously, 20 hours;
- in the case of a member who was initially registered three years previously, 40 hours;
- in the case of a member who was initially registered four or more years previously, 60
- During the preceding three years, at least half of which hours are directly related to the performance of authorized practices:
NOTE: A full practising member who does not meet all of the requirements of licensure renewal may obtain a licence to practice by submitting an explanation of the reasons why the member does not meet the requirements and a proposed plan, acceptable to the council, for meeting them within the next calendar year. The council shall review any proposed plan submitted and may approve the plan subject to any revisions, terms or conditions that the council thinks appropriate in order to uphold the duties and attain the objects of the college as set out in The Midwifery Act. Please contact the registrar for further information.
Application Process
- Completed application forms and accompanying documentation must be received by the SCM offices no later than December 1 of each year, in order for the annual licence to be processed by the College and received by the registered midwife prior to January 1.
- Please note that renewal of your midwifery licence will be delayed as a result of not submitting required documentation with your application.
- It is important that you keep the SCM informed of any changes to your contact information.
- If you change your name any time after your licence has been issued, you must notify the SCM within 30 days of the change.
- Personal contact information is used by the SCM for direct contact with members and is not released to third parties without consent. The SCM maintains a register of members that is accessible to the public upon request and includes the name, address, registration number, and category of each member.
- Certification in neonatal resuscitation (NRP), including intubation, is required annually in accordance with SCM policy. The National Guidelines for Neonatal Resuscitation (Canadian Paediatric Society) at the level of “Advanced” is the accepted standard of performance. You must submit, with your application form, proof of current certification in NRP completed within the previous 12 months. Or, if you are an NRP instructor, you may submit proof of your instructor status and proof of having taught a minimum of one class in the previous 12 months.
- Certification in adult and infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is required annually, in accordance with SCM policy. The minimum required standard of performance is achieved through successful completion of a program that complies with the guidelines of the Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Course (Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada) or at the level of Health Care Provider (HSP) as described by other agencies that offer courses in CPR. You must submit, with your application form, proof of certification in CPR within the previous 12 months. Or, if you are a CPR instructor, you may submit proof of your instructor status and proof of having taught a minimum of one class in the previous 12 months.
- Proof of current obstetrical emergency skills required once in the last two years in accordance with SCM policy.
- It is the responsibility of the Registered Midwife to ensure that the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage that is required by the Saskatchewan College of Midwives is in place, prior to practising as a Registered Midwife. Evidence of required liability insurance coverage must be provided to the Saskatchewan College of Midwives.
Licence Fees
One of the last steps to completing the licence renewal process is the submission of the licence fee. These fees are subject to change, and if licensure occurs after January 1st or if the licensure is required for a specified period of time during the licence year, fees may be pro-rated depending upon the applicants’ circumstances.
SCM licence year is January 1 – December 31.
NOTE: The authority to review and approve/deny applications for renewal of a Full Practising licence with the Saskatchewan College of Midwives is delegated to the Registrar by the Council, as provided for in Section 21(1) of The Midwifery Act.
An applicant may request Council to review a decision of the Registrar by sending a written notice outlining the grounds on which the review is requested within 30 days after the Registrar’s decision. The Council can revise or confirm the Registrar’s decision and the applicant is entitled to make personal representations to Council if they wish. Decisions of the Council are final and binding and there is no appeal from them.