It has come to the attention of the Saskatchewan College of Midwives that certain individuals may be holding themselves out as midwives and/or performing authorized practices reserved by law to midwives and physicians. Because the rumours persist, the College is providing this information to all persons who may have knowledge of these activities to inform them about the relevant laws of Saskatchewan.
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The Saskatchewan College of Midwives (SCM) is the regulatory body for the profession of midwifery in the province of Saskatchewan. The duties and responsibilities of the College are to:
- Serve and protect the public;
- Exercise its powers and discharge its responsibilities in the public interest;
- Regulate the practice of the profession and to govern the members in accordance with the Act and the bylaws;
- Assure the public of the knowledge, skill, proficiency and competency of members in the practice of midwifery.
Section 22 of The Midwifery Act prohibits persons who are not registered midwife members or licensed physicians from using the title “midwife”, or any word, title or designation, abbreviated or otherwise, to imply that the person is a member.
Section 23 of The Midwifery Act prohibits persons who are not registered midwife members or members of a regulated profession whose scope of practice includes the performance of an authorized practice, from performing any of the following authorized practices:
- assessing and monitoring women during normal pregnancy, labour and the post-partum period;
- conducting the spontaneous normal vaginal delivery of a baby;
- providing care to a woman and her healthy baby during a normal pregnancy, labour and post-partum period;
- prescribing, dispensing or administering drugs;
- ordering, performing or interpreting diagnostic tests;
- performing invasive procedures.
Every person who contravenes section 23 is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a possible maximum fine of $4,000 for a first offence and to a possible maximum fine of $8,000 and/or imprisonment for a term of up to six months for subsequent offences.
If a Registered Midwife or a member of the public is aware of any circumstances where an individual is engaging in unauthorized midwifery practice or the use of the title “midwife”, please contact the Executive Director/Registrar at the Saskatchewan College of Midwives for further information.
Cheryl Olson, Executive Director/Registrar Saskatchewan College of Midwives
PO Box 32097
Regina SK S4N 7L2
Telephone: 306.781.1352
Email: registrar@saskmidwives.ca