Obstetrical Emergency Skills Requirement 

  • Section: Professional Practice

    Subject: Obstetrical Emergency Skills Requirement 

    Distribution: All Employees & Members

    Section Number: IV

  • Issued: June 2023

    Next Review Date: June 2028

    Approved: November 2015, June 2023

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In accordance with bylaw 7(d)(iii) of The Midwifery Regulatory Bylaws, 2023, all practising members must provide proof of current obstetrical emergency skills. Skills must be updated every two years (24 months) and proof of completion submitted with the annual licensure renewal application. The obstetrical emergency skills requirement is mandatory for all practising members and skills must be transferable regardless of place of birth. 

In the case of a midwife who is a certified instructor of an approved Emergency Skills program: 

  • Proof of facilitation of an approved Obstetrical Emergency Skills program at least once in the last 2 years (24 months), and 
  • Provide proof of maintenance of quality assurance for instructors as required by the body facilitating ES workshops (ie. standards by CAM/MAS for ESW)

Approved Courses: 

  • Emergency Skills for Midwives (ESW) 
  • BC Midwifery Emergency Skills Program

At minimum, approved courses must allow the midwife to demonstrate competency in management of the following skills: 

  • Postpartum hemorrhage 
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Cord presentation/prolapse
  • Undiagnosed twin delivery
  • Undiagnosed breech delivery
  • Abnormal fetal heart rate