Section: Professional Practice
Subject: Inter-professional & Collaborative Care
Distribution: All Employees, Members & Colleagues
Section Number: IV
Midwifery is a health care partnership between a midwife, client and the client’s family based on mutual respect. In accordance with the Saskatchewan College of Midwives (SCM) Model of Practice:
Midwives are Autonomous Health Care Providers
Midwives are primary health care providers whose clients may choose as their first point of entry to the maternity care system. As primary health care providers, midwives make autonomous decisions in collaboration with their clients and are fully responsible for the provision of primary health services within their scope of practice. They coordinate services to ensure continuity of care, identify conditions requiring management outside their scope of practice and refer such cases to other providers.
The purpose of this position statement is to support and encourage collaborative practice between midwives and other health care providers. Midwives are responsible for care in support of normal childbearing and also for the identification of conditions which require consultation with other health care providers.
Characteristics of Collaborative Practice
- Foster and support the client as a partner in care and the center of focus Clear and precise communication, including but not limited to:
- Complete and objective information o Roles of collaborators
- Responsibility for decision-making
- Non-hierarchical understanding and utilization of skills, knowledge and scopes of practice Mutual respect and trust
- Joint problem-solving and decision-making
In accordance with the SCM policy on Mandatory Case Review, Consultation & Transfer of Care, collaboration may take place in the form of:
- Case review
- Consultation
- Transfer of care that may include shared or supportive care
College of Midwives of Alberta (2014), Position Statement on Collaborative Practice between Registered Midwives and Other Regulated Health Professionals