Section: Operational
Subject: Financial Sponsorship for Members
Distribution: All Employees & Members
Section Number: III
Issued: February 2014
Revised: September 2018
Approved: Transitional Council – February 2014, September 2018
The Saskatchewan College of Midwives (SCM) acknowledges the value for SCM members to participate in educational/learning opportunities. Registered midwives are expected to attend to their own professional development on their own initiative or that of their employer. Financial sponsorship may be considered in circumstances where the knowledge gained by the member will serve to benefit the SCM by way of that member’s future involvement and participation in the activities of the SCM.
In situations where the proposed learning contributes to the work of the SCM, registered midwife members may apply to the SCM for financial sponsorship to assist in the attendance at educational/learning opportunities related to the enhancement of member leadership skills, best practices in the profession, self-regulatory governance and midwifery research.
Such events must take place within Canada and may include but are not limited to:
- Canadian Association of Midwives Conference
- Conferences, workshops, symposiums, meetings or courses offered by professional agencies
- Networking opportunities to represent Saskatchewan and midwifery in the province
- Members shall submit a written report to SCM Transitional Council within six (6) weeks of event completion explaining the benefits of the event to the individual and how the learning will contribute to the SCM overall.
- SCM encourages members to share the information they have obtained from their learning opportunity with other members.
Application for Financial Sponsorship
- Members shall submit their request for sponsorship in writing to the Transitional Council of the SCM at least ninety (90) days in advance of the event.
- Members shall submit supporting documentation (i.e. receipts, syllabi, invoices) for the purpose of financial reimbursement.
Sponsorship Parameters
- A limit of two (2) members per annum may receive sponsorship approval.
- All requests for sponsorship will be assessed on an individual basis in accordance with policy.
- Approval is subject to budget availability.
- Members may be eligible for full or partial sponsorship.
- In cases where more than one member has requested sponsorship, approval will be determined on a “first come – first served” basis.
- Where applicable, per diem costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with SCM policies.
- The registrar has the authority to approve or deny requests for sponsorship from members.
- The registrar shall report activity related to the approval or denial of sponsorship requests under the “Other” section of the Executive Director/Registrar Report to the Transitional Council at their regularly scheduled meetings. Approved requests for sponsorship will also be reported within SCM Financial Statements.
- Report shall include the following information:
- Number of applications received
- Number of applications approved
- Number of applications denied
- Monetary amount of sponsorship per approved applicant