Member Audit

  • Section: Operational

    Subject: Member Audit

    Distribution: All Employees & Members

    Section Number: IV

  • Issued: October 2015

    Revised: February 2019, January 2024, June 2024

    Approved: Transitional Council June 2012, April 2019, February 2024, June 2024


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Conducting random audits is one way to ensure public safety and members’ compliance with meeting licensure renewal requirements.


  1. The practice of one (1) registered midwife is randomly selected for audit every two (2) years.
  2. No one individual will be randomly audited more than once every four (4) years.
  3. The random selection process will include only those registered midwives who:
    • Have been providing client care for a minimum of three (3) years in Saskatchewan
    • Are not currently the subject of an investigation by the SCM
    • Are not currently referred to Discipline
  4. There is an expectation of member compliance within 90 days.
  5. The audit shall be conducted by the SCM Registrar.


  1. The audit process shall include a request for evidence to support the member’s claim of compliance with:Continuing competence requirements:
    • Continuing Education and Professional Development
    • Peer Case Review
    • Reflective Practice
    • Quality of Care Evaluation
    • Eligibility to Maintain Licensure
  2. Acceptable evidence provided to the SCM by the member may include, but is not limited to:
    • Documentation pertaining to attendance at Continuing Education and Professional Development session/events
    • Professional Development Logs
    • Peer Case Review Attendance Records
    • Reflective Practice Forms
    • Documentation related to changes in practice based on Quality of Care Evaluation
    • Official documentation identifying the client care as it relates to required numbers of births, place of births, continuity of care and newborn examinations.
  3. The registered midwife shall be audited for compliance during the three (3) year period immediately preceding the date of the audit.