The Saskatchewan College of Midwives (SCM) protects the public interest by ensuring that Saskatchewan registered midwives practice safely, competently and ethically.
Making a complaint about a midwife’s professional practice is a serious matter. If there is a concern about care provided by a midwife, contact the Registrar at the College first to discuss these concerns. The College may be able to help to resolve the problem prior to submitting a formal complaint.
If there is a concern about unprofessional, unsafe or unethical midwifery practice in Saskatchewan, an individual or agency has the right to make a complaint to the College and to have it investigated. Although there is no time limit to register a complaint, the College should be notified of the concern as soon as possible.
Please note that the College of Midwives does not have the authority to assess injury or award compensation to a complainant. This is done through the court system.
A complaint about registered midwife’s practice must be made in writing to:
Saskatchewan College of Midwives
PO Box 32097
Regina, Saskatchewan S4N 7L2
The College cannot process complaints against individuals who are not registered midwives. However, if there are concerns about someone providing midwifery care that is not a registered midwife, please contact the Registrar at 306.781.1356.